Kuzbass Fair

654006, Russia, Kemerovo region., Novokuznetsk city, st. Ordjonikidze, 11, office 201
Phone: (3843) 468-260, 466-372, 464-958, Fax: (3843) 468-446, 452-886
E-mail: info@kuzbass-fair.ru


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In the XVIII century  great Russian scientist M. Lomonosov said, «Power of Russia will be grown due to Siberia». Nowadays Siberia remains the base of geopolitical and economic stability of the state. In its turn, stability of Siberia depends on stability in its every region, including Kemerovo region (Kuzbass).

Kuzbass nowadays is one of the most perspective and dynamically developing regions of Russia. Having developed transport infrastructure, powerful multi-branch economy it plays the leading role in Siberia.

Kemerovo region (Kuzbass) is situated in the south-east of Western Siberia (3,5 thousand sq.m. from Moscow). Territory of Kuzbass – 95 thousand square metres – exceeds the territories of some countries of Western Europe. It is located in the very heart of Russia: the distance from Kuzbass up to any borderline – to the east as well as to the west – is 4,5 thousand kilometres. Population of Kemerovo region is about 3 mln people. 13% are residents of agricultural centres, others are city-dwellers. Novokuznetsk is the largest industrial city of Kuzbass, its «southern capital».

Kuzbass is extraordinary rich in mineral resources. All the minerals of Mendeleev table of elements are found here. Resources of coal – 700 bln tons, which is most important for the economy of the region. There are also deposits of gold, silver, manganese, zinc, lead, copper and other rare elements. So, Kuzbass has got the largest raw potential determining the specific economic development of the region.

Nowadays the share of the region is 61% coal mined in Russia (more than 160 bln tons annually), more than 13% produced pig-iron and steel, 23% sorted rolled steel, 11% aluminum and 19% coke. Lately there is rapid growth of investments into economy of Kuzbass including foreign investments (annually over 50 bln roubles are invested), production is modernized, new enterprises start their activity.

The base of the regional economy is coal mining. 61% coal, extracted in the whole Russia, is mined in Kuzbass. 85% is the most valuable coking coals. The coal meets the demands of the whole country and exported to many countries. Now in Kuzbass a new type of coal mining branch is being created. Coal mining companies aim at using high technologies, making miners’ work safe.

For the latest 7 years there are more than 1,7 bln Euro invested to the coal industry of Kuzbass. 27 new modern coal mining enterprises are made, the problem of industrial safety there is solved due to high mechanization and automation. So, the future of coal mining industry in Kuzbass is high-efficient production.

The second leading industry in Kuzbass – metallurgy (ferrous and non-ferrous) – is also upgrading. Its share is 38% of the total volume of industrial products of the region. Products of just one of our metallurgical plants are exported to 30 countries.

Chemical industrial complex of Kemerovo region is one of the largest in Russian Federation. Kemerovo region exports 1200 kinds of industrial products (coal, coke, rolled steel, pig-iron, aluminum, zinc, ferroalloys, nitrogen fertilizers, machines for heavy industry) to 80 countries.

Mechanical engineering is one of the most rapidly developing industries of Kuzbass. It unites 97 companies – manufacturers of mining, electric-mechanical, road-building equipment, equipment for gas industry, chemical, light and food industry.

Industrial and housing construction is developing in rapid tempos. Great attention is paid to development of agricultural complex. Having great potential, Kuzbass is the largest industrial region and base for economic development of all the country.
The greatest attention in the region is paid to development of small business in the leading industries as well as in construction, trade, tourism, etc.
Development of tourism is promising. In Kuzbass there is unique nature: wild taiga, mountains, clean rivers and lakes. We invite you to visit Gornaya Shoria – «Siberian Switzerland». Here is the complex for tourism and alpine skiing meeting all the European standards.